
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Battle of Songs: Instanzia vs. The Clan Destined

In the Battle of Songs we both choose a song for each other to listen and review. Each battle has a theme, however random we decide. The purpose of the battle is to introduce such individual songs which may not get much attention otherwise. Feel free to suggest themes!

Theme of the battle: A song about a person who lived in the 20th century.

For cm_ to review:
Instanzia – The Desert Fox
On seeing the length of the given song, over 11 minutes, I felt like 'woah', perhaps a bit prejudiced as well; it's not easy to compose a song so long, not everyone is Matt Smith.

So the song is about Erwin Rommel, who was widely known as the Desert Fox. If you don't know much about this man, well, the song will surely teach you something. The lyrics tell quite a story, and it seems to be rather accurate as well (without actually checking out the details).

The lyrics, yes... Such a concept could have been carried out much better. The lyrics contain a lot of information, but occasionally they are so awkward it's horrible. Some parts of the song are lyrically just anything but beautiful or interesting. Personally I like rhymes a lot, but they are not the key to interesting lyrics. Some parts sound just like they were listing the most important facts and merits of Rommel, perhaps in a chronological order. However, some repetition, that of the chorus, saves the lyrics from being thoroughly awful. The C part closer to the end of the song is relatively good already, though the beginning left me upset.

The song certainly gets better towards the end, and much to my surprise, it's not too long with its remarkable length. The melody is nice, but not breathtaking, and the awkward lyrics and strange lines spoil the beginning. The best parts of the song would be very good material for an epic power metal piece, yet there would have been a lot to refine.

You can listen to The Desert Fox on Youtube.


For dw_ to review:
The Clan Destined – T. C. Lethbridge
For the Battle of Songs I was given a track called T.C. Lethbridge by The Clan Destined (a band formed by ex-Skyclad singer Martin Walkyier).

I'll be honest and admit upfront I'd never heard of anyone named T.C. Lethbridge prior to hearing the song, but apparently Thomas "Tom" Charles Lethbridge was an archaeologist and an "experimental scientist" with notable interest in occult-like pursuits.

While much remains in haze (without really extensive background checking) about the character himself, The Clan Destined draw upon his apparently rather ridiculed image in their fairly straight-forward heavy metal song about the man in question.

I've always been a fan of being straight-forward, and I must say I like the song. I'd heard A Beautiful Start to the End of the World by The Clan Destined previously, but wasn't really sure what to expect from this particular song.

There are no amazing guitar tricks, super-groovy bass lines or audacious drum beats, but simple, genuine, good-hearted heavy metal. I've always liked Walkyier's rough voice, and it fits The Clan Destined sound very well. The chorus is clever in all its simplicity, even if it's basically just chanting the letters "T.C.L.E.T.H.B.R.I.D.G.E". There are added female vocals during the chorus, but the song would've been just fine also without them.

At 3:06 minutes the song's length remains quite optimal. Like this, it's easy to get in to, easy to grow fond of and easy to listen to every time you'll need another reminder of yet another wrongly understood scientist, whose legacy will undoubtedly live on among the wiser of mankind.

You can listen to some of Walkyier's other work, including the song in question, at his Myspace website.


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